Some classes are available online, for example dancing, makeup sessions or spins.

The details
that can make a difference
You may put all your energy onto the ice, but if it is not directed by a professional coach, it might be challenging to achieve your personal goals.
Each athlete and skater is unique and requires personalized adaptation and corrections to succeed. Learning a new element, making a clean performance or mastering jump triples, everything needs the proper approach and discipline.
In my work I make sure that I help the skater achieve the objectives and even go beyond themselves. It becomes attainable by adapting exercises, finding new ones, getting creative and extending the limits with a bit of fun.
They Are Talking About Us
Our students’ feedback
J’ai trouvé le cours très intéressant! Il était très bien structuré et c’était très compréhensible. Il a abordé des points dont on ne parle pas forcément tous les jours (par ex. Les TCA,…). Il nous a également permis d’approfondir nos connaissances ! Le fait qu’il y ait des idées de plats c’était très bien (d’ailleurs j’en ai goûté quelques-un , super bon !) Le fait que tu nous as raconté ton “passé” nous a premis de mieux comprendre pourquoi bien se nourrir était important!
Translation: I found the lesson very interesting! It was very structured and understandable. We could speak about things we don’t always have an opportunity to, like eating disorders for example. It really helped me deepen my knowledge! I liked the fact that they were meal ideas, I even tried a couple and they were super good! The fact that she spoke about her past really helped us understand why eating healthy is important!

Mia Risa
I loved working together with Angelique both on my skating, spins and program choreography! She works really well with improving all the details, body positions, movements and expressions in the choreography and it makes such a big difference! She has made my programs so so much better and I am really thankful and grateful for that. It was always super fun working with her, she has great creativity and imagination for how the story line should be, for the audience to understand the feeling and the story of the programs. It improved my program components so much!

François Pitot
Angelique Abachkina is a great coach who always has a smile and who works in a good mood, she has an eye for spotting the little important details that will help you earn more points in competition, this year she choreographed my short program and did the awesome music editing, she is a coach you can trust.

Анжелика замечательный тренер по фигурному катанию. Легко находит общий язык с детьми. Моей дочери очень нравилось заниматься с Анжеликой и она до сих пор по её вспоминает.
Translation: Angelique is a wonderful figure skating coach. She easily gets along with children. My daughter enjoyed working with Angelique really much, and she still remembers her.